What Is Considered a Short Hike – I’ve asked the major publications

Me walking a short hike in New Zealand

If you, like me, enjoy adventure and love strolling on trails, hiking might just be your favorite activity. But have you ever considered a short hike? Also, what is considered a short hike?

Well, as evident from the name, a short hike may be best defined as a short-duration hike, typically a day hike or a short walk. Most short hikes last a couple of hours to an entire day, depending on the complexity of the trail. Ideal for people with moderate fitness, the journey of an average short hike will not be more than 10 hours (travel and return).

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Hiking in New Zealand without a car

Hiking without a car

New Zealand is the perfect destination stop for nature lovers and people who long for natural beauty. The island country is covered with beautiful mountains, forests, rolling fields, and much more. In spite of this, somehow New Zealand has its reputation for being costly for travelers which can be a bummer for anyone. However, this can be looked after if you plan your trip wisely. There are a plethora of ways to keep the cost down.

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Is nude hiking legal in New Zealand?

nude hiking in new zealand

New Zealand is not the first country I had in mind when looking for a nude beach and hiking trail. Not that I’ve ever done it myself, but it sounds intriguing doesn’t it?

However, the miles of coastline and several secluded bays and beaches make it a fascinating and awesome place to be. With several clothing-optional beaches throughout the country, New Zealand will give you the break you deserve from demanding work schedules. I would advise you to visit the country if you want to get a golden tan. Here is everything you need to know about nude hiking in New Zealand.

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The 7 Best Camping Stoves Compared!

the best camping stoves compared

There is no doubt that outdoor camping with family members, friends, and relatives can be a great experience. However, you need to ensure that you have the right accessories and tools for the purpose. There are many things that go into making a complete camping list. I’ve looked into some of the most popular camping stoves I could find.

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